10200 Slater Ave. Fountain Valley, CA 92708 info@pcta.tv (714) 968-2024

Your Local Channels

Your Local Channels:

You can earn college credit for watching TV and keep up with events happening in your community. Tune in to your Educational and Government access channels for all this and more.

Channel 95: Educational Access

Coastline Community College’s award winning production house airs college level content classes to help further your education or turn your leisure time into educational time. To find out how you can earn college credits via watching classes on TV, contact them at (714) 241-6216 or email dlearning@coastline.edu and ask about “telecourses.”

Channel 3: Government Access

Channel 3 produces exclusive local programming that promotes events and services in your city. You’ll find current events, activity and enrichment classes, and learn about how your day to day needs are facilitated by certain departments in your local government.